2018 – Year in Review

Southern Region, Iceland
Southern Region, Iceland

2018 has been absolutely incredible! I want to thank each and every one of you reading this now, all those who have interacted with me or my work at any point, and for the love and support I’ve received. In terms of exposure, 2018 exploded for me, and I am so grateful and can’t thank you all enough!

In 2018, I’ve had the wonderful privilege of visiting some of the most beautiful locations in Europe, let alone this entire planet. I’ve shared many of these adventures with great friends, and also made new ones along the way. With my lovely partner, it was the first full year we’ve spent living and working abroad, using London as a base for our trips around Europe (it’s just a tad closer than Australia…).

Photographically, 2018 was about not only continuing what I had laid out and achieved in 2017, but also to push the boundaries of my work and grow my network.

As I had planned, I introduced aerial photography into my portfolio, with the purchase of a DJI Mavic Air in February. It slotted in seamlessly with my workflow, and allowed me to capture unique images in conjunction with my Nikon DSLR. The combination of both has proved to be an immense amount of fun, and I feel I am able to visually present each of the places I visit much better with these two tools, side by side.

I had the honour of being named Australian Travel Photographer of the Year Runners Up, and a finalist in UK’s Wanderlust Travel Photo of the Year. It was also a nice surprise to have my images from Slovenia used in the press release of the Sony World Photography Awards 2019.

Leaving such a HUGE year behind and moving forward, I’d like to thank you all again and wish you all the best for 2019.

Some stats:

12,872 photos
112,339 metres flown on the drone
16 countries
36 cities
29 flights
Dozens of 3:00am wakeups
Hundreds of lattes and cappuccinos

Without further ado, in chronological order, here are my images from 2018:

Hallstatt, Austria
Hallstatt, Austria
Bath, UK
Bath, UK
Lake Bled, Slovenia
Lake Bled, Slovenia
Lake Bled, Slovenia
Lake Bled, Slovenia
Lake Bled, Slovenia
Lake Bled, Slovenia
Isle of Skye, Scotland
Isle of Skye, Scotland
London, UK
London, UK
Lisbon, Portugal
Lisbon, Portugal
London, UK
London, UK
Brugge, Belgium
Brugge, Belgium
Old Harry Rocks, Dorset, UK
Old Harry Rocks, Dorset, UK
Old Harry Rocks, Dorset, UK
Old Harry Rocks, Dorset, UK
Normandy, France
Normandy, France
Normandy, France
Normandy, France
Normandy, France
Normandy, France
London, UK
London, UK
Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Copenhagen, Denmark
Copenhagen, Denmark
Copenhagen, Denmark
Copenhagen, Denmark
Gothenburg, Sweden
Gothenburg, Sweden
Rome, Italy
Rome, Italy
Rome, Italy
Rome, Italy
Rome, Italy
Rome, Italy
London, UK
London, UK
London, UK
London, UK
Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany
Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany
Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany
Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany
Bavaria, Germany
Bavaria, Germany
Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany
Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany
Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany
Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany
London, UK
London, UK
Southern Region, Iceland
Southern Region, Iceland
Kirkjufell, Iceland
Kirkjufell, Iceland
Southern Region, Iceland
Southern Region, Iceland
Vestrahorn, Iceland
Vestrahorn, Iceland
Southern Region, Iceland
Southern Region, Iceland
Southern Region, Iceland
Southern Region, Iceland
Southern Region, Iceland
Southern Region, Iceland
Jokusarlon, Iceland
Jokusarlon, Iceland
Jokusarlon, Iceland
Jokusarlon, Iceland
London, UK
London, UK

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3 Responses

  1. Andrea Godfrey says:

    Incredible!!! Love every single picture.

  2. Alison Dockerty says:

    your photos are fabulous, both Rick and I loved every one of them. When you finally return to Australia we’d love to see you both.
    Have a great 2019. xx

  3. Nellie says:

    Love your blog and your amazing photos, well done Donald of 2018. The best yet to come 2019. God Bless!

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